The GTK+ widget library supports diverse customization of look and feel for GTK+ applications. This is achieved by installing a shared library (*.so or *.dll) that provides a particular GTK+ theme style. The default GTK+ theme engine (Raleigh) is too generic and old-fashioned to suit my style. The pixmap engine is too much of a resource hog, and the Wimp engine doesn't seem to work for GTK+ 2.18 and later releases.
My favorite GTK+ theme engines are thus:
- Aurora engine
- Candido engine
- CleanIce engine
- Clearlooks engine
- Lighthouseblue engine
- MagicChicken engine
- Murrine engine
- Nodoka engine
- Rezlooks engine
- Smooth engine
- Wonderland engine
Compiling GTK+ Theme Engines 2.20.1
After building GTK+ 2 library, I can compile GTK+ theme engines, including Clearlooks and Lighthouseblue. I couldn't find the upstream release of gtk2-engines, so I downloaded the source from Debian Sid's page.
gtk2-engines requires intltool, so I compiled intltool first.
tar xzvf intltool-0.41.1.tar.gz
cd intltool-0.41.1
./configure --prefix=/mingw
make install
configure script will complain if xgettext, msgmerge and msgfmt are not found. I got these programs from my static gettext package I compiled previously.
Then, I compiled gtk-engines as follows:
tar xzvf gtk2-engines_2.20.1.orig.tar.gz
cd gtk-engines-2.20.1/
./configure --prefix=/mingw --disable-deprecated --enable-animation
I only wanted clearlooks, so I copied libclearlooks.dll
find -iname \*dll
cp ./engines/clearlooks/.libs/libclearlooks.dll /mingw/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines
Compiling Aurora Theme Engine
I downloaded the Aurora source from here and unpack it. I compiled Aurora like this:
./configure --prefix=/mingw --enable-animation
make install
Cygwin: Compiling Smooth Theme Engine
The source code of smooth theme engine can be downloaded from here. Compiling is easy:
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
Hey, i can't understand how you compiled that stuff... the commands are typed in Windows our Linux... it seems linux... but where install msgfmt.exe and others? do i need mingw? In Ubuntu, there is mingw package, ready to install in synaptic...
ReplyDeleteI want, compile Equinox engine to GTK Windows, can you help me?
Thank you very much!! I could compile it! If you want test and use it, get here:
Equinox is the most wonderful gtk engine ever! Now I can put this engine in my windows apps!!!