Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Six-Pack Abs Workout

The following abdominal workouts will help you get sexy abs.

Ab Crunch


Crunches are a good exercise to help trim your waist line and build abdominal strength. The following steps are taken from eHow.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Using an exercise mat rather than a hard floor can help prevent back strain. Position your feet as wide as your hips, and place your hands behind your head so that your thumbs are tucked behind your ears.
  2. Curl up and forward using your stomach muscles so that your head, neck and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Pause for a moment, squeezing your abdominal muscles. Lift your head up enough so that middle and lower back stay on the floor. While you lift your head, slowly breathe out.
  3. Slowly lower your head, neck and shoulder blades to starting position. Keep your knees bent, your feet in the same position and your back straight throughout the entire exercise. While you lower your head, breathe in.
  4. Make sure you are not pulling your head forward with your hands. This can cause serious damage to the neck and spinal cord regions. If your chin is making contact with your chest, the abdominal muscles aren't being used in the exercise.



Strong stomach muscles give good core strength and are essential for all sports. Besides, they also make you look like Adonis. Situps are a great way to start toning your tummy and it's easy to do if you know how. The following steps are taken from videojug.

  1. Make sure you find somewhere comfortable like flat-level surface. you could use a yoga mat to lie on to make it soft on your back. When you are in the gym, make sure you're not obstructing anyone else's activity.

  2. Lie down on your back with your knees bent and balls and hills of your feet placed flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your ears with your elbows out to the side. You can cross your arms over your chest and touch your shoulders if you prefer. Don't grab the back of your neck as this can cause injury.

  3. Keeping your feet on the ground, tighten your stomach muscles and slowly lift your head first. You should feel the strain on your abdomen. Then, lift your shoulder blades and pull up from the floor about halfway. Hold position for a few seconds. And slowly put your back down again to the floor. But try to keep your back slightly elevated so you are not completely flat and relaxed.

  4. Repeat the action for 5 to 10 reps if you are a beginner. You can slowly build up the amount you do over time. But do not push yourself and always stop immediately if you feel a sharp pain.

  5. You could get a friend to hold onto your feet to give you a more solid platform to push on. Keep your chin away from your chest and your elbows out to the side. Try to concentrate on keeping your abs tense throughout the action as these are what should be controlling your movement.

Leg Raise


Lie on your back with your legs straight and together. Raise your legs, keeping them together. Lower them down making sure they stay around 2 inches from the floor. Hold for a few seconds and repeat. Try doing sets of 10 repetitions to start with.



Lie on your back with legs flat on the floor. Raise your back and your legs at the same time, forming a V shape. Pause for a brief moment. Lower your back and legs to the starting position.

Stand and Twist


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees relaxed. Keeping your hips stable twist your torso to the right bringing your left arm across your chest in a punching motion. Twist back and repeat in the opposite direction. Try doing 30 repetitions to start with and increase this the stronger you feel. Do not do this if you have any history of back troubles.

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